Saturday, July 28, 2012

10 Laws of Boundaries

1. The Law of Sowing and Reaping
The basic law of cause and effect Galatians 6:7-8 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked." People reap What they sow. Those who sow to please their sinful nature, from that nature will Reap destruction; those who sow to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap Eternal life. When God tells us that we will reap what we sow, he is not punishing us; He’s telling us how things really are. Rescuing a person from the natural consequences of their behavior enables them to Continue in irresponsible behavior. The doer is not experiencing consequences, the Rescuer is. Confrontations are not painful to the one receiving a boundary, only consequences are.
2. The Law of Responsibility
This Law includes loving others (John15:12; Galatians 5:13-14). We are to love one another, not be one another. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” Philippians 2:12-13. Being responsible to, rather than for, someone is not just giving to them, but it is also setting limits on other’s destructive and irresponsible behavior. Every time you rescue them from the consequences of their behavior, you are guaranteeing them that you will have to do it again. (Proverbs 19:19; 23:13). We are to give to needs and put limits on sin.
3. The Law of Power
You have the power to agree with the truth about your own problems. This called “confession” or “agreement”. Yes that is me. You have the power to submit your inability to God. You can ask for help! (I John 1:9; James 4:7-10; Matthew 5:3,6) You have the power to search and ask God and others to tell you what is with in your boundaries that you can manage, change or accept. You have the power to turn from the evil that you find within you. This is called repentance. This doesn’t mean you are perfect, it means you can see what you need to change. You have the power to humble yourself and ask God and others to help you with your developmental injuries and leftover childhood needs. Many arise from emptiness and you need to seek God and others to have those needs met. You have the power to seek out those that you have injured and make amends. Matthew 5:23-24, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift." You do not have power over anything outside of your own boundaries. (Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference). You cannot change others, but you can influence them.
4. The Law of Respect
We fear others will not respect our boundaries. Sometimes we focus on others and lose clarity about ourselves. We judge other’s boundaries and feel they will do the same to us. If we judge their boundaries, we are setting ourselves up to be judged in the same way. This produces in us a fear cycle that makes us afraid to set healthy boundaries. (Matthew 7:1-2). Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” We need to love the boundaries of others in order to command respect for our own. We must treat theirs the way we want them to treat ours. If we love and respect other’s no, they will love and respect our no. This gives freedom to all. (2 Corinthians 3:17; James 1:25.) Our main concern is not: “Are they doing what I would do or what I want them to do?” It should always be: “Are they really making a free choice?”)
5. The Law of Motivation
Much of our doing for others is motivated by fear, not love. Not giving out of love, but out of fear of losing love. Fear of loss of love or abandonment. Say yes, and then resent the yes. Giving to get. Fear of other’s anger. Because of old hurts and poor boundaries, some people can’t stand for anyone to be mad at them. Fear of loneliness. If I give in to you, I will win, and then I won’t be lonely. Fear of losing the “good me” inside. “I love you and I do not want to do that.” Many think that to love means always having to say yes. Guilt. They feel guilty when they say no. Saying earns them goodness. Payback. Many feel burdened to pay for all they have been given. Approval. Many still feel like children and need to earn the “parental like” approval others. Over identification with the other’s loss. When we haven’t dealt well with our own losses and disappointments, we cannot deprive another. We feel their need’s too much or inappropriately. The Law of Motivation says this: Freedom first, service second. If you serve out of fear, you are doomed to failure. Let God work on your fears, resolve them, and create some healthy boundaries to guard the freedom you were called to.
6. The Law of Evaluation
Hurt and Harm are different things. We must evaluate the effects of setting boundaries and be responsible to the other person. This does not mean you should avoid setting boundaries because someone responds with hurt or anger. To have boundaries is to live with a purposeful life. Jesus calls this the narrow gate. The broad road (gate, or refusal to set boundaries), but results are always disastrous, they lead to destruction. Deciding to set boundaries is difficult because it requires us to make decisions and have confrontations with others that may cause them pain. We cause pain when: we make choices they do not like and when we confront them when they are wrong. If we do not share our anger and disappointments with others, bitterness and hatred can set in. We must speak truthfully (Ephesians 4:24). We need confrontation to grow, if we are wise we will use admonition from another person to help us develop wisdom. Evaluate the pain our confrontation or truth telling causes other people. We need to see how this pain could be helpful to help the other person learn and grow.
7. The Law of Proactivity
Wrath and sinful passions direct reaction to the severity of the law (Romans 4:15; 5:20; 7:5) Wrath and disillusionment can be reactions to parental injustice (Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21). Seen often as compliance for years, then pent-up rage explodes. Powerless, victim becomes emancipated from physical, sexual abuse; emotional blackmail, manipulation, etc. Must go through this reactive stage, time when a person throws off the victim identity. Should not get stuck there – Galatians 5:13, 15. Reactors are known by what they hate, what they don’t like, what they stand against and what they will not do. Proactivity is the stage of boundary setting when people begin establishing healthy boundaries. This is where they use the freedom they gained through reacting to love, enjoy and serve one another. Proactivity = people who show you what they love, what they want, what they purpose, and what they stand for. They do not demand rights, they live them. Power is not something you demand or deserve, it is what you express. The ultimate expression of power is love; it is the ability not to express power, but to restrain it. These people have mutual respect, are able to restrain own desires, they respond, they do not react. Do not try to get to freedom without the reactive stage. Spiritual adulthood has higher goals than this; the reactive stage is a stage, not an identity. Do not try to get to freedom without the reactive stage. Spiritual adulthood has higher goals than this; the reactive stage is a stage, not an identity. You need to practice and gain assertiveness, get away from abusive people, fence your own property and self against abusive people and then own the treasures of your own soul.
8. The Law of Envy
You want something but you don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight” James 4:2 Envy is the basest emotion that we have. It is Satan’s sin, and ours is the direct effect of the fall. Envy defines good as “what I do not have”, and hates the good it has. Envy keeps us perpetually insatiable and dissatisfied. It is okay to desire things that you do not have. God has said he will give us the desire of our hearts. Envy focuses outside of our boundaries. If we are focusing on what other’s have or have accomplished, we neglect our own responsibilities and ultimately will end up with an empty heart. “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else.” Envy is a self-perpetuating cycle. Boundary less people feels empty and unfulfilled. They look at another’s sense of fullness and feel envious. You have not because you ask not, and do not work to make your desires a reality.
9. The Law of Activity
Many have boundary problems because they lack initiative – the God-given ability to push ourselves into life. Example: the parable of the talents, the active ones were successful and achieved, the passive, inactive one, lost out. Passivity never pays off. God will match our efforts, but will never do our work for us. That would be an invasion of our boundaries. He is not mean to people who are afraid, but he will not enable passivity. The sin that God rebukes is not trying and failing, but failing to try. Trying, failing, trying again is learning. God does not punish failure, but failing to try will have no good result; evil will triumph. God’s opinion of passivity is seen in Hebrews 10:38-39, “But my righteous one will live by faith; and if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” Passivity is shrinking back and is intolerable to God. Our boundaries can only be created by our being active and aggressive, by our knocking, seeking, and asking (Matthew 7:7-8).
10. The Law of Exposure
Our boundaries need to be made visible to others and communicated to them in relationship. Boundaries are really about relationship, and finally about love. We are beset by fear: of not being liked, of losing love, losing connection, losing approval, receiving anger, being known, etc. These are all failures in love, and God’s plan is that we learn how to love. These relational problems can only be solved in relationships. Secret boundaries don’t work- instead of honest communication, we get resentment. We withhold honest information from people who injure us through irresponsibility. Boundaries exist and affect us even if we don’t express them. If they are not communicated directly and exposed openly, they will be communicated indirectly or through manipulation. “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. ‘In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. (Ephesians 4:25-26) The biblical mandate is to be honest and in the light. Everything will eventually be exposed, so we are to be truth tellers. Fear makes us hide aspects of ourselves in the darkness. When our boundaries are in the light, that is, communicated openly, our personalities begin to integrate for the first time. They become visible in the light and then healing begins to take place. Psalm 51:6 “surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost places” God want real relationship with us and wants us to have real relationship with each other. Our boundaries need to be open; sin affects this, so we need to bring them into the light by communicating with God about them and allowing him to heal us. The path to healing – Communicate your boundaries openly!
Boundaries by Towsend & Cloud

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bring out the best in others!

Now here's a thought: Bring out the best in others in a conversation, not putting them down! Colossions 4:5-6 says:
Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don't miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.
I was listening to Andy Andrews podcast the other night and he was talking about how powerful it is to smile when you talk. (Click here to listen to the podcast) Smiling brings out the best in others. Smiling while you talk is a skill- being gracious in you speech is a choice you make. Paul in Colossions tells us the goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation- not to put them down. You don't necessarily have to always agree with others, nor do you always have to be happy. BUT you can always be gracious in your speech & smile when you talk no matter how your feel.
Can you imagine what our world would be like if we all were gracious in our speech & smiled while we talked? Wow! Just sayin'

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Something to think about - that's for sure! Being Blessed

Ponder this:
"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
"You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.
"Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.
Check out Mattew 5: 3-12 in the Message

Monday, April 2, 2012

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Basic H- remember all it's many uses?

 100% Organic
 Not a soap or detergent
 PH balanced to skin (6.5)
BASIC H2 - Popular Uses
• Non-Toxic
• Non-Irritating
• Non-Magnetic
• Non-Volatile
CLEANING HANDS: Put a few drops in palm. Rub thoroughly over both hands, then add a little water. Continue with usual washing action. Add a touch more water as needed and rinse. Removes grease, oil, onion and garlic odors, tobacco stains.
General hand cleanser – mix Basic H2 and water (1:4 ratio) in a dispenser or 4 oz squeeze bottle or 1 t. in foam dispenser bottle of water.
GENERAL CLEANING: 1/4 tsp. Basic H2 in 16 oz. spray bottle of water (or 2 t. in 1 gal. water) to instantly clean kitchen counters, doors, woodwork, walls, etc.
FLOORS: Mop floors with 1 tsp. Basic H2 to a gallon of water. Wring mop dry, wipe up spots and dirt, leaving floor shining and clean.
MIRRORS, WINDOWS, GLASS TOPS, DECORATOR PIECES: Just add 1-2 drops of Basic H2 to a pint of water or put in a 16 oz. spray nozzle unit (or 1/8 t. in 1 gal. water). Wipe dry with a paper towel or lint-free cloth.
Cost: under a penny a pint! (or use Basic H2 wipes)
CLOTHING SPOTS: Apply a few drops of Basic H2 directly to the spotted area, work in with water, put in laundry and wash, or wipe soil off with damp cloth.
DELICATE WASHABLES: Mix 1½ tsp. Basic H2 to a gallon of water. Basic H2 is effective, yet mild enough to clean the most delicate fabrics, including woolens, silks, synthetics, and all fine fabrics. Panty-hose and nylons stay soft and pliable.
DUSTING: 1/8 tsp. Basic H2 per pint of water; spray on dusting cloth and wipe furniture. The surface stays bright and non-magnetic, making it unnecessary to dust as often.
APPLIANCES & FIXTURES: Add 1/4 tsp. of Basic H2 toa pint of water. Leaves refrigerator odor-free.
DEGREASER: Mix 1 ½ tsp. in 16 oz. spray bottle of water. OR mix 2 ounces in a gallon of water. Clean up your greasiest messes from barbecues to ovens.
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Mix 1/2 tsp. Basic H2 per sink full of water. Wash, then rinse. Removes insecticide residue and surface grime. To crisp lettuce, soak in 1 or 2 drops H² in a bowl of water. Rinse.
DISHES: Use 1/2 tsp. Basic H2 & water in pans, bowls, etc. as "soak solution" to loosen stuck-on food.
“IF IT’S SAFE IN WATER – IT’S SAFE IN BASIC H²” (Use your imagination and discover tons of other great uses!)
PROTECTING HANDS: Apply to hands and/or face, full strength for lasting protection as skin guard. Great as “invisible glove” before painting or applying dye. Paint or dye will wash off easily.
WALLPAPER: 1 T. Basic H² in a pail of hot water; apply with swab or mop or sprayer and lift off. Use solution of 1 T. Basic H² per gallon of water to clean off the residue.
GUM: Use full strength to remove gum from skin, hair, carpeting etc. Allow a few minutes to work.
BURNS: Apply to stove or oven-type burns or sunburn full strength for immediate relief.
INSECT REPELLANT: Non-toxic, non-greasy, no-fragrance, hypo-allergenic, easy to apply Basic H² full strength or diluted and spray on and rub in (but not over other chemicals/medication on skin). Insects won’t bite where Basic H² has been applied. Also relieves itching of insect bites (rub on, full strength).
BATHING: Use 1 tsp. to bathtub of water. Run water full force for suds. Cleans thoroughly; body feels like velvet. Leaves no bathtub ring. Perfect for baby’s bath…not alkaline like baby soaps. Liquid Dish Concentrate is also good, especially for bubbles.
SHAVING: Apply full strength to face and add water to make lather.
SHAMPOO: Use ½ tsp. to 1 C water. For dandruff, use 1 part Basic H2, 2 parts Herbal Cream, 4 parts water. Also good for treatment of poison ivy and poison oak on the body.
SHOE CLEANER: Use 1 drop Basic H2 on a wet cloth. Will not remove wax. Shine with a dry cloth.
DIAPERS: Use ¼ teaspoon of Basic-H2 and 1 teaspoon of Basic-G to pail of water. It eliminates odors in the wash-room when diapers must stand.
HOUSE PLANTS: Use 1/2 tsp. Basic H2 per gallon of water for watering plants. Use to wipe off leaves also.
GREEN LAWNS: Use 1 Tbls. Basic H2 to "orthotype" bottle applicator full of water. This should let 2 gallons of water through applicator to spray on lawn.
ROSE BUSHES: Use ½ teaspoon to gallon of water. Spraying rose bushes will protect them from red spider and other diseases, and also fertilize them.
HUMIDIFIERS: Use 1-2 drops Basic H² in water to help prevent rust and scum.
KNIVES: Use a few drops of Basic H² on cutting stone for sharpening-keep moist and add more as needed. Doesn’t clog stone and rinses free of residue.
SPRAY SNOW OR POSTER PAINT ON WINDOWS: Remove it with ¼ teaspoon to quart of warm water.
AQUARIUMS: Use ½ tsp. per quart of water. Clean coral, rocks, entire aquarium with Basic H² solution. Rinse thoroughly.
BOAT ALGAE: Use 1 ½ tsp. to gallon of water.
AUTOMOBILES: Use 1 ½ tsp. Basic H² in a gallon of water. Hose off – no wiping dry. Wash windows, chrome, etc. with paper towels or lint-free cloth, after rinsing car. Bugs and grime float away.
AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR: Use ½ Tbls. Basic H² to radiator full of water or anti-freeze, to prevent rust.
ENGINES: Use 1 ½ tsp. to one gallon water to clean engine. It will not affect paint, gaskets or insulating material. Best results can be achieved when the engine is hot for fastest drying of the ignition system.
BATTERY TERMINALS: Use ¼ teaspoon to pint of water. Spray on battery terminals, let soak for 2 minutes and clean with wire brush. Use full strength Basic H² on battery terminals to avoid corrosion or galvanic action.
PAINTERS, CEMENT LAYERS, MECHANICS: Use Basic H² to clean your hands and equipment, incl. paint brushes. Apply Basic H² first, rub, then add a little water. Rub and add more water. Non-flammable.
CONCRETE AND MORTAR MIX: Use 1 ½ tsp. (1/4 oz.) Basic H² to 1 gallon water. Makes cement and mortar spread easier and smoother, and set harder.
IRONING: A drop in steam iron will keep the jest and interior clean. Iron on a rag the first time and it will clean out any old deposits.
PLUMBING: Will keep pipes open and clean when used regularly. It emulsifies grease and can eliminate cleaning of grease traps.
AIR FILTERS: Use ½ teaspoon to quart of warm water. Air filters are cleaned with excellent results, leaving them free of dirt, oil, or chemical residue.
LEATHER: Cleans leather better than saddle soap. 1 drop Basic H² on damp sponge. Clean & wipe dry. Won’t harm leather.
ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER: ½ t. Basic H² in a pot of water. Run through cycle and rinse.
SKUNK SMELL REMOVAL: 1 T. Basic H² in gallon of water.
CAMPING: Straight Basic H² on the bottom of pots and pans before cooking makes them easy to clean. Works in cold or salt water.
 Basic H² is the most economical cleaner you can buy. One pint makes 48 gallons of cleaning solution by following directions.
 Do Not Use More Than Recommended. A little goes a long way! Save $$
 Basic H² contains no acids, no alkalis, no kerosene, solvent, or any other potentially toxic chemicals, and has no offensive or detergent odor.
 Basic H² has a pH factor of 6.5, right in the range of human skin.
 Basic H² makes water many times wetter.
 Basic H² is a fantastically versatile cleaner. Many advantages over soap (including no soap film)!
 Basic H² does not hinder bacterial action of septic tanks or cesspools.
 DO NOT put fingers or foreign matter into Basic H² container. Large amounts of bacteria can cause degrading action and weaken your cleaner. If a heavy-duty cleaner is required, or in extremely Stubborn areas of grease or stains, see the above box for information or try Scour Off.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why Supplement?

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Countless studies show that nutritional supplementation can positively affect your health. With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, many lifestyle diseases are preventable

check out my website for more info:

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Have you checked out the MANY USES FOR BASIC H?

(time to re-post)
Check out the many uses for Basic H... let me know IF you have any other!

GENERAL USES FOR BASIC-H CLEANING JOBS: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon to a quart of warm water

WINDOWS, MIRRORS: 2 to 4 drops to a pint of water

FLOORS: 2 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water

BASIC-G AND BASIC-H CONCENTRATE: 3 Cups H to 1 Cup G (this mix will be diluted in water as needed)


Window Cleaner – Mix - Only 1 to 3 drops in 16 oz. spray bottle of water. If smearing occurs, mixture too strong – add water to dilute.

General Spray Cleaner – Mix 4-6 drops in 16 oz spray bottle of water. Use all over the house to wipe furniture, chrome, the stove, the refrigerator, vent blinds, and excellent for louvered doors.

General Spot Remover – Apply Basic-H directly on spotted area. Use a toothbrush or finger to rub into area. Wipe off with a damp cloth or rinse in basin of water. (Removes coffee, ink, grass, etc)

General Cleaning – 1/2 tsp. in qt. of warm water. Cleans doors, walls, woodwork, appliances, bathroom fixtures & tile.

Insect Repellent for People and Animals – Rub/Apply full strength Basic-H wherever you do not want insects to bite; they won’t bite where Basic-H has been applied. Also relieves itching of insect bites (rub on, full strength). Be careful around eyes, it does sting. If you get some in the eyes just flush with water.

Floors - 1 Tbs. per gallon of water. Leaves floor shining. May require rinsing.

Dusting – 1/8 tsp. in pint of water, squeeze sponge almost dry (Or spray on), Wipe off dust, fingerprints, etc. Dry with clean cloth. Leaving the wax finish beautifully bright & dust repellent, less dusting required.

Outside Windows – 1/2 tsp. in “Ortho-type” spray applicator full of water. Makes 2 gallons of solution for windows & screens. Squeegee dry.

Coffee-makers – Dilute 1/8 tsp. Basic-H in pot of water. Run through cycle & coffee stains will rinse away.

Ironing - 1 drop in steam iron keeps the jets & interior clean.

Wallpaper - Excellent for removing wallpaper. 1/2 Tbs. per gal. of water. Soak wallpaper with sponge & peel or scrape.

Concrete & Mortar Mix – 1/4 oz. per 1 gallon of water. Makes cement & mortar spread easier & smoother, set harder.

Plumbing - Will keep pipes clean & free-running when used regularly to wash hands, pots & pans at sinks. It emulsifies grease & can eliminate cleaning of grease traps.

Pressure Washer – 1/2 oz Basic-H to 20 gallons of water.

Heavy Duty – use 1 oz per gallon of water. Leaves a luster to mobile homes, homes, RVs & etc.

Humidifiers – Use 1 or 2 drops in humidifier water to help prevent rust & scum.

Knives – 1 or 2 drops on cutting stone for sharpening knives. Keep moist & add Basic-H as needed. Doesn’t clog stone – very important when sharpening tools. Stone rinses free of residue.

Yard Spray to Rid of Fleas - in hose spray bottle, fill with water; add 1 cap-full of Basic-H. Attach to hose & spray yard every 10 days for 3 applications. Use twice a year thereafter to control. Rinse all plants thoroughly.

Liquid Hand Soap - Mix 1/4 Basic-H to 3/4 water in pump dispenser by sinks. Will not dry or irritate hands like soaps may. Will help moisten, soften & protect hands!

Fine Fabrics – Use 1/2 tsp to a basin of lukewarm water to wash woolens, nylon stockings, and all fine fabrics.

Gum – Use full strength to remove gum from skin, hair or carpeting.

Fruits & Vegetables – Use 1/8 tsp. in pint of water wash and rinse. Removes insecticide residue, dirt and waxes. For lettuce cut head in half and place in cold water with a couple drops of H. It removes the poisons and crisps up the lettuce.

Automotive Uses Washing- vehicle – 1/2 tsp. per gallon of water. Wash small area at a time and hose off. Wipe windshield, windows and chrome with paper towels after rinsing. You’ll love the shine!

Battery Terminals - 1/2 tsp. to pint of water and spray on battery terminals and let soak 2 minutes. Clean with wire brush.

Filters – 1 tsp to gallon of water. Soak air filters from motors and watch the dirt float out into the water. Air dry or put on hot engine for faster drying.

Camping Cleaning & Washing - Coat bottoms and sides of pots and pans with Basic-H before placing over campfire. Black soot just slides right off when you wash.

Fish Odors – 1/2 Tbs. per quart of water. Basic-H2 works wonders on boats, docks.

Washing RV, Boat & Camper – 1/2 Tbs. per gallon of water.

Crayon - To remove from walls, use full strength.

Spot Remover - Apply directly on spotted area, which has been dampened with water. Use a toothbrush or finger to rub basic-H2 into area. Wipe with a damp cloth or rinse in basin of water

Upholstery - Mix 1/2 Tbs. to ½ gallon water. Spray on & rub clean.

Septic Tanks – Keeps crust from forming. For maximum health of septic system use all of Shaklee’s phosphate free cleaning products. This will do much to promote the growth of needed friendly bacteria.

Houseplants – Water plants with 1 oz. Basic-H to 1 gallon water. 4 drops to 1 pint water can be sprayed on the leaves to make healthier plants and keep dust off.

Fertilizer - Add a few drops to warm water, then water your indoor or outdoor plants. The Basic H2 solution will make the ground soluble to the water, thus making your plants much healthier than with regular water.

Toothpaste - Add a drop or two to your toothbrush, right on top of your normal dab of toothpaste. Watch as your teeth become whiter and your gums healthier. Your breath may even stay fresh longer, as Basic H fights germs of all sorts. I tried this and it does work. You don’t taste the H at all and it left my mouth fresher for longer.

Glove - Before you start a dirty job or before gardening, pour a few drops directly onto your hands. Rub them together to coat both hands. After you are done cleaning, wash your hands to find that dirt, scum, smell and overall ickiness are nowhere to be found.

Pesticide - Dilute your Basic H2 to a couple of drops per spray-bottle, then spritz your plants as part of your regular routine. Not only will the bugs stay away but you might also find that they are bigger and healthier, as well.

Produce wash – Just 1/8tsp. added to a pint of water will make an effective and safe wash for your produce. Grit and dirt on leafy vegetables are easily removed, and you no longer have to worry about a funny taste remaining on the produce.

Diaper wash - Coupled with 1/2 tsp of Shaklee Basic G (a germicide), 1/4 tsp of Basic H2 can remove germs and odors from your cloth diapers. Leave a bit in your diaper pail to prevent odors there, as well.

Windshield Wash/Rain repellent - Pour 3 1/2 tsp of Basic H2 into one quart of water, and use it as your windshield wash. Rain and slush will easily wipe away from your windshield, and bugs will slide away, as well.

Records - Add 2 drops to a cup of water and with a soft cloth or brush, wipe off records. Removes finger oils and leaves them magnet free.

Shoes - 2 drops on a clean cloth to clean shoes. Will not wax finish, shine with a dry cloth.

Clothes Dryer - Place 25-45 drops into a 16 0z. spray bottle and spray inside of dryer. Reduces static cling and softens clothes.

Contacts - 1 to 2 drops in 1/2 cup water to soak contact lenses. Rinse well to remove all traces of solution.

Delicate Clothing - 2-3 drops in pint of water; perfect for panty hose and delicate fabrics.

Hand Washing - 1tsp for undies, socks, sweaters, or knit dresses

Dishes – 1tsp to sink of water. May need to add a little extra if you have greasy dishes or pots and pans.

Walls and ceilings – 3 tsp. to 3 quarts water. For kitchens and bathrooms

Body Wash - 3-6 drops on sponge for luxurious shower.

Bathtub Cleaner - Use in tub for a bubble bath and don’t worry about bath rings.

Buildings - Use solution in a sprayer with no more than 500lbs of pressure or all you’ll get is foam and add the Basic H last. 1oz. to 20 gallons of water. For heavy duty jobs use 1 to 2 oz. to 20 gallons of water. Then use 1 to 1 &1/2 cups of Basic G to 20 gallons of water to disinfect. The Basic G does not have the abrasiveness that petroleum based cleaners have, especially when coming in contact with the skin. Rinse thoroughly. Use the Basic H in accordance with the hardness of your water. Very effective in cleaning buildings and cattle.

Carpet Pre-Spray – Mix 2 to 4 oz. Basic D (Liquid Dish Wash Concentrate) with 2 to 4oz. Basic H to 5 gallons of warm water. Spray on carpet and leave at least 10 minutes. Then steam clean carpet using Basic H in 1/2 proportion to required amount of steam cleaner’s shampoo. You can use Softer Than Soft, Shaklee’s fabric softener, as a de-foamer instead of steam cleaner’s, again using 1/2 amount required.

UpholsterySAME AS CARPET PRE-SPRAY- Mix 2 to 4 oz. Basic D (Liquid Dish Wash Concentrate) with 2 to 4oz. Basic H to 5 gallons of warm water. Leave on 10 minutes and use dampened towel to clean approximately 3 times.

Leather – 2 drops on damp sponge then wipe the item dry. Basic H cleans better leather better than saddle soap.

Fire Extinguisher – 1 tablespoon Basic H to 1 pint spray bottle; put water in first then add the H to prevent suds. Very effective on grease fires; keep one by the stove, in the tool box, by the welder… Also 1 gallon H to 55 gallons water in 55 gallon water barrel; suffocates a fire fast. In Fire trucks 1 gallon H to 1,000 gallons water.

Tape Residue – 4 drops to 16 ounce spray bottle filled with water, spray on let set and wipe off.

Paint Brushes – Work full strength H into brushes and wash under the tap.

Outside Windows and Screens – Spray mixture of 1 teaspoon H to 2 gallons of water.

Rust – Use Basic-H for rust inhibitor for rusty nuts and bolts. Also use one tablespoon to radiator full or water or anti-freeze to help prevent rust.

Changing Tires - Spray diluted or full-strength Basic-H on rims. Tires go on easier.

Septic Tank – Pour one quart of Basic-H into septic tank drainage when it becomes sluggish to clean it out. Does not hinder bacterial action in septic tank or cesspools. In fact, it helps build bacteria in your septic tank.

Boat Bottom Algae - 1 tablespoon Basic-H to one gallon of water.

DOGS For Worms – Apply 2 drops H for every ten pounds of the dog’s weight on their feed for one week. Repeat this application every 3 months. You may put it in a spray bottle with a little water and spray it over the dog’s food. You can also add a drop or two to the water. I also add some Liqui-Lea to our dogs’ food.

Laboratories – Excellent for cleaning glass slides used under microscopes and blood-stained test tubes. Use 2–4 drops of Basic-H® in 1 pint of water. Glass will smear if more than the recommended amount of Basic-H® is used.

Plaster Casts – Place a few drops on one palm, rub thoroughly over hands, and a little water to remove plaster from hands.

Radiograph Pens – A few drops of Basic-H® will clean engineering pens and keep them working smoothly.

Concrete and Mortar Mix – Add 1 ounce to each 1 gallon of water used. Makes mixture easier to spread.

Golf Clubs – Add 1 teaspoon to a 4 ounce spray bottle. Spray solution on clubs and brush off dirt. Also excellent for cleaning golf gloves

Eye Glasses – Fill a 4 ounce spray bottle with water and one drop of Basic-H®.

Shaving – Apply full strength to damp skin and shave as usual.

Frying Vats – Use 1/2 cup in 3 gallons of water. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Dissipates stubborn crust without damaging vats.

Skunk Odor Removal – 1 T. Basic H² in gallon of water

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Journal thru the Bible

How to Journal
some of my friends were wondering how I journal thru the Bible... this is the plan I follow

Step 1
Find the Scripture for today in your Bible Reading Plan

Step 2
Read the passages. Read with an open heart and Jesus will give you words of encouragement, directon & correction (2Tim 3:16)

Step 3
When Jesus gives you a life lesson of life – record what He has shown you:
 Write today’s date
 Give your lesson a title
 Write down the main Scripture
 Write down what you see in the Scripture – your observation
 Write how you will be different today because of what you have just read – your application
 Write out your prayer

NOTE: When reading the Bible, look for:
 Lessons to be learned
 Examples to be followed
 Promises to be enjoyed
 Jesus to be revealed

I am using & the Life Journal reading plan - I can read on my blackberry (very cool app for your smartphones) or online.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Heart Health Webinar

Heart Health Webinar
Introducing Triple-Strength CoQHeart®

Wednesday, February 8
5:30pm PT | 6:30pm MT
7:30pm CT | 8:3 pm ET

Celebrate Heart Health Month by inviting guests to join Chair of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education Dr. Jamie McManus and Director of Medical Affairs and Health Sciences Pamela Riggs for a special webinar event.

On this webinar, you will hear all about the hardest-working muscle in your body - your heart! You'll learn where the heart gets its power, and why CoQ10 is necessary for healthy heart functioning and for promoting and protecting healthy arteries.*

And, you'll learn all about the new Triple Strength CoQHeart with Q-Trol™, what makes it unique, as well as other Shaklee heart health products that can help you and everyone you know Power a Healthy Heart.

Here are the details:

Date: Wednesday, February 8th
Time: 5:30 pm Pacific, 6:30 pm Mountain, 7:30 pm Central, 8:30 pm Eastern, 9:30 pm Atlantic
Webcast link:
Please take a moment to click on the link above before the live webcast and pre-register and Test Your System. Doing so will ensure you can enter the webcast quickly and easily when it's time for the live event.

If you won't have access to a computer, you can participate by dialing 1-512-225-3211 / 865562#.

The recording of this webcast will be available a few days following the live webcast, accessible via the same link as above. The audio portion of this webcast will be placed on rebroadcast shortly after the conclusion of the live webcast at 1-512-404-1255, press 2.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Heart Health Month - February!

New and improved CoQHeart is available for purchase starting today -- just in time for Heart Health Month.

February is Heart Health month…and Valentine’s Day is this month too, so why not show your heart a little love with new CoQHeart.

CoQHeart supports energy production in the heart, and promotes and protects healthy arteries. New CoQHeart has three times more Coenzyme Q10 and Resveratrol, both of which provide potent support for optimal heart health*. And you can save 10% off Member price when you place CoQHeart on Autoship. Contact me to learn more!”

At Shaklee, we believe that a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle should be a year-round, life-long effort, this month, next month and always. And it's not too late to start taking better care of your heart, or helping someone else to do the same.

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and a healthier heart!!
Check out these heart-healthy Shaklee products*:

CoQHeart® with Q-Trol™ #20685 - Produces Energy to Power Your Heart*
OmegaGuard® #21252 60 ct. / # 21253 – 180 ct. - Helps Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease**
Cholesterol Reduction Complex† #21219 - Helps Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tony Dungy & Super Bowl & The Adoption Journey Project

Just saw this on Facebook. Do you really want to see the halftime show for Super Bowl??? CHECK this out:

This year’s football fans gathering at various watch parties will have access to one Super Bowl coach’s personal thoughts during halftime. A free downloadable video kit is available to local game watching party organizers which features Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren.

The video message includes a personal appeal to Americans on the subject of the current orphan crisis and adoption. Dungy is involved with The Adoption Journey Project ( to help influence more couples to consider adoption.

“The big win on Super Sunday would be to raise awareness about the millions of children who need a family. I would love to see thousands of local community groups and circles of friends gathering together to stop and consider how they can help,” said Dungy, the winning head coach of the 2007 Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts.

“With more than 100,000 children in need of a stable and loving family in the US, if just a fraction of groups gathering to watch the Big Game influence just one family to adopt, we would make a huge dent in this social crisis,” said Marc Andreas, Vice President of Marketing at Bethany Christian Services, the largest adoption agency in the country.