Monday, September 21, 2009


I am here to let you know that optimum health is obtainable. With everyone talking about health care right now- I think prevention is the way to go. It all starts with good health:

1) Why should this topic interest YOU?

2) How can we keep our bodies WELL?
#1 Nutrition - Fruits, Vegie, WHOLE food/ magazine: Your Business Magazine
#2 Exercise – Joe Stankowski / “This Workout Doesn’t Suck”- suggests exercising 5 hrs per week
#3 Stress Management – WebMD & my Facebook Survey
#4 Nutritional Supplementation - Anti-Oxidants and Eiro

3) When should we START?
Now! Don’t put it off!! Certain health issues can be prevented or even reverse just by changing our diet & exercise habits. Dr David Rahm tells us that studies have proven that just one extra piece of fruit or serving of vegetables a day can contribute to a longer life. So let’s take control & start today. / Book: the Wellness Prescription

For more information, check out my website:

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