100% Organic
Not a soap or detergent
PH balanced to skin (6.5)
BASIC H2 - Popular Uses
• Non-Toxic
• Non-Irritating
• Non-Magnetic
• Non-Volatile
CLEANING HANDS: Put a few drops in palm. Rub thoroughly over both hands, then add a little water. Continue with usual washing action. Add a touch more water as needed and rinse. Removes grease, oil, onion and garlic odors, tobacco stains.
General hand cleanser – mix Basic H2 and water (1:4 ratio) in a dispenser or 4 oz squeeze bottle or 1 t. in foam dispenser bottle of water.
GENERAL CLEANING: 1/4 tsp. Basic H2 in 16 oz. spray bottle of water (or 2 t. in 1 gal. water) to instantly clean kitchen counters, doors, woodwork, walls, etc.
FLOORS: Mop floors with 1 tsp. Basic H2 to a gallon of water. Wring mop dry, wipe up spots and dirt, leaving floor shining and clean.
MIRRORS, WINDOWS, GLASS TOPS, DECORATOR PIECES: Just add 1-2 drops of Basic H2 to a pint of water or put in a 16 oz. spray nozzle unit (or 1/8 t. in 1 gal. water). Wipe dry with a paper towel or lint-free cloth.
Cost: under a penny a pint! (or use Basic H2 wipes)
CLOTHING SPOTS: Apply a few drops of Basic H2 directly to the spotted area, work in with water, put in laundry and wash, or wipe soil off with damp cloth.
DELICATE WASHABLES: Mix 1½ tsp. Basic H2 to a gallon of water. Basic H2 is effective, yet mild enough to clean the most delicate fabrics, including woolens, silks, synthetics, and all fine fabrics. Panty-hose and nylons stay soft and pliable.
DUSTING: 1/8 tsp. Basic H2 per pint of water; spray on dusting cloth and wipe furniture. The surface stays bright and non-magnetic, making it unnecessary to dust as often.
APPLIANCES & FIXTURES: Add 1/4 tsp. of Basic H2 toa pint of water. Leaves refrigerator odor-free.
DEGREASER: Mix 1 ½ tsp. in 16 oz. spray bottle of water. OR mix 2 ounces in a gallon of water. Clean up your greasiest messes from barbecues to ovens.
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Mix 1/2 tsp. Basic H2 per sink full of water. Wash, then rinse. Removes insecticide residue and surface grime. To crisp lettuce, soak in 1 or 2 drops H² in a bowl of water. Rinse.
DISHES: Use 1/2 tsp. Basic H2 & water in pans, bowls, etc. as "soak solution" to loosen stuck-on food.
“IF IT’S SAFE IN WATER – IT’S SAFE IN BASIC H²” (Use your imagination and discover tons of other great uses!)
PROTECTING HANDS: Apply to hands and/or face, full strength for lasting protection as skin guard. Great as “invisible glove” before painting or applying dye. Paint or dye will wash off easily.
WALLPAPER: 1 T. Basic H² in a pail of hot water; apply with swab or mop or sprayer and lift off. Use solution of 1 T. Basic H² per gallon of water to clean off the residue.
GUM: Use full strength to remove gum from skin, hair, carpeting etc. Allow a few minutes to work.
BURNS: Apply to stove or oven-type burns or sunburn full strength for immediate relief.
INSECT REPELLANT: Non-toxic, non-greasy, no-fragrance, hypo-allergenic, easy to apply Basic H² full strength or diluted and spray on and rub in (but not over other chemicals/medication on skin). Insects won’t bite where Basic H² has been applied. Also relieves itching of insect bites (rub on, full strength).
BATHING: Use 1 tsp. to bathtub of water. Run water full force for suds. Cleans thoroughly; body feels like velvet. Leaves no bathtub ring. Perfect for baby’s bath…not alkaline like baby soaps. Liquid Dish Concentrate is also good, especially for bubbles.
SHAVING: Apply full strength to face and add water to make lather.
SHAMPOO: Use ½ tsp. to 1 C water. For dandruff, use 1 part Basic H2, 2 parts Herbal Cream, 4 parts water. Also good for treatment of poison ivy and poison oak on the body.
SHOE CLEANER: Use 1 drop Basic H2 on a wet cloth. Will not remove wax. Shine with a dry cloth.
DIAPERS: Use ¼ teaspoon of Basic-H2 and 1 teaspoon of Basic-G to pail of water. It eliminates odors in the wash-room when diapers must stand.
HOUSE PLANTS: Use 1/2 tsp. Basic H2 per gallon of water for watering plants. Use to wipe off leaves also.
GREEN LAWNS: Use 1 Tbls. Basic H2 to "orthotype" bottle applicator full of water. This should let 2 gallons of water through applicator to spray on lawn.
ROSE BUSHES: Use ½ teaspoon to gallon of water. Spraying rose bushes will protect them from red spider and other diseases, and also fertilize them.
HUMIDIFIERS: Use 1-2 drops Basic H² in water to help prevent rust and scum.
KNIVES: Use a few drops of Basic H² on cutting stone for sharpening-keep moist and add more as needed. Doesn’t clog stone and rinses free of residue.
SPRAY SNOW OR POSTER PAINT ON WINDOWS: Remove it with ¼ teaspoon to quart of warm water.
AQUARIUMS: Use ½ tsp. per quart of water. Clean coral, rocks, entire aquarium with Basic H² solution. Rinse thoroughly.
BOAT ALGAE: Use 1 ½ tsp. to gallon of water.
AUTOMOBILES: Use 1 ½ tsp. Basic H² in a gallon of water. Hose off – no wiping dry. Wash windows, chrome, etc. with paper towels or lint-free cloth, after rinsing car. Bugs and grime float away.
AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR: Use ½ Tbls. Basic H² to radiator full of water or anti-freeze, to prevent rust.
ENGINES: Use 1 ½ tsp. to one gallon water to clean engine. It will not affect paint, gaskets or insulating material. Best results can be achieved when the engine is hot for fastest drying of the ignition system.
BATTERY TERMINALS: Use ¼ teaspoon to pint of water. Spray on battery terminals, let soak for 2 minutes and clean with wire brush. Use full strength Basic H² on battery terminals to avoid corrosion or galvanic action.
PAINTERS, CEMENT LAYERS, MECHANICS: Use Basic H² to clean your hands and equipment, incl. paint brushes. Apply Basic H² first, rub, then add a little water. Rub and add more water. Non-flammable.
CONCRETE AND MORTAR MIX: Use 1 ½ tsp. (1/4 oz.) Basic H² to 1 gallon water. Makes cement and mortar spread easier and smoother, and set harder.
IRONING: A drop in steam iron will keep the jest and interior clean. Iron on a rag the first time and it will clean out any old deposits.
PLUMBING: Will keep pipes open and clean when used regularly. It emulsifies grease and can eliminate cleaning of grease traps.
AIR FILTERS: Use ½ teaspoon to quart of warm water. Air filters are cleaned with excellent results, leaving them free of dirt, oil, or chemical residue.
LEATHER: Cleans leather better than saddle soap. 1 drop Basic H² on damp sponge. Clean & wipe dry. Won’t harm leather.
ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER: ½ t. Basic H² in a pot of water. Run through cycle and rinse.
SKUNK SMELL REMOVAL: 1 T. Basic H² in gallon of water.
CAMPING: Straight Basic H² on the bottom of pots and pans before cooking makes them easy to clean. Works in cold or salt water.
Basic H² is the most economical cleaner you can buy. One pint makes 48 gallons of cleaning solution by following directions.
Do Not Use More Than Recommended. A little goes a long way! Save $$
Basic H² contains no acids, no alkalis, no kerosene, solvent, or any other potentially toxic chemicals, and has no offensive or detergent odor.
Basic H² has a pH factor of 6.5, right in the range of human skin.
Basic H² makes water many times wetter.
Basic H² is a fantastically versatile cleaner. Many advantages over soap (including no soap film)!
Basic H² does not hinder bacterial action of septic tanks or cesspools.
DO NOT put fingers or foreign matter into Basic H² container. Large amounts of bacteria can cause degrading action and weaken your cleaner. If a heavy-duty cleaner is required, or in extremely Stubborn areas of grease or stains, see the above box for information or try Scour Off.
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