Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eiro Fit- & Dr Rahm's 80 / 20 Rule

EiroFit – Dr. Raham’s 80/20 Rule
It is time to apply the 80/20 rule. Quoting Dr. Rahm, “The 80/20 rule recommends that people try to achieve a healthy diet and lifestyle 80 percent of the time; the other 20 percent–perhaps during the holidays or on a weekend day–they can indulge themselves, but of course not go overboard. Well... it's time for me to go back on my EIRO Fit program! I am back to my 80%! It’s time to get fit. EIROfit.

Let me share what EIRO Fit is:

EIROfit is a comprehensive yet easy-to-use weight management system of great-tasting, highly effective products with proprietary formulation technologies.

At EIRO, we know that achieving meaningful and sustainable weight management is about more than what you eat. EIROfit includes diet and exercise guidelines, plus an exclusive online system to help you track your progress.

The EIROfit system can help you achieve your weight management goals. Click here to visit and get started.

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