Friday, May 8, 2009

Networking - every day!

Networking… what’s it all about? The 1st thing some may think of is a pyramid or MLM. Seems people either love it or hate it. But… have you ever noticed people just sharing information or ideas with other people? I think we all are net-workers! Let me tell you specifically what the Bible & Webster about networking:
· The Bible says: Let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not for his own interest, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4
· Webster says Networking is: : the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions ; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business

1) What is networking?
· Did you ever recommend a good move to a friend? OR maybe a good restaurant? Some call this Word of Mouth advertising.
· Think about the last time you had coffee with a friend – what did you talk about? Did you refer a friend to a good realtor or did you talk about your mechanic who did a great job fixing your car.
· There are many different venues for Business Networking – groups specifically designed for networking: Chamber of Commerce/ BNI groups/ Business-After-Hours are a few.
· How many you are on one of these Social Networking- Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,… yes… another form of networking!

2) Why do we Network? Many different reasons
· We network because we like something & we want to share it with our friends
· We network because we care about someone & want what we think is best for them
· We network because we think we have something that other could use or would benefit from
· Thru networking we build relationships and make friends! AND I think building friendships & relationships are some of the most important things we can do here on this earth!

I hope after hearing what I think networking is & how we all may use it to some extent… your opinion about it may be a bit more positive. I encourage you all to go out and network and build those relationships!!

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