Sunday, October 30, 2011

Occupy Wall Street & Dave Ramsey

Wow... Dave is on a roll!!

Below is an email I received from Dave. Be sure to check out Dave's rant too - click the "Dear Occupy Wall Street..." link.

Lessons Learned From Occupy Wall Street

As you might imagine, Dave is not a huge fan of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests. He's been ranting about it all week on air and in his "Dear Occupy Wall Street …" article.

Kicking and screaming doesn't do any good in and of itself—unless you're a toddler with a permissive parent. Yet now that these protesters have our nation's attention, what can we learn from them?

1. Know What You Stand For: One of the most fundamental problems with the Occupy Wall Street group is that their message is not clear. Few seem to have any idea what their goals and visions are. Proverbs 29:18 tells us that "without vision, the people perish." The concept applies to any kind of movement. OWS will likely fizzle because of its lack of central goals. Let this remind you to have a clear vision for your life, job, family, political beliefs and your spiritual life. Know why you're a part of The Great Recovery and what it's all about. Be able to articulate it to yourself and others. Like Dave says, if your explanation won't fit on a 3x5 a notecard, it's not concise enough—yet.

2. Hard Work Wins: No, not everyone who is working hard is seeing their desired results right this second. But God tells us that "the diligent prosper." (Proverbs 13:4) Dave describes diligence as discipline with excellence over time. It's the spiritual principle that we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). Griping about corporate greed, begging for bailouts, lamenting that Wall Street is "evil," or crying for the redistribution of wealth won't solve things. Ever. Taking personal responsibility will. That is the message people need to hear from us right now louder than the cries of disgruntled protesters. It's time for Americans to celebrate the privilege we have to work hard and achieve our dreams here in the land of opportunity!

3. People Need Hope: Demonstrations are rooted in a desire to see change. But as followers of Christ, we know that hope comes from God—not circumstances, Wall Street or the government. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but with desire comes life." (Proverbs 3:12) Because our hope is in the Lord, it's not based on any situation. As part of The Great Recovery, we choose to believe that turning back to God's principles with money can turn this nation around and ultimately lead people to Christ. We believe that brighter days are coming. We aren't going to sit around and wait for someone to fix the problem. We're going to turn to the One who has the power to change our nation and the hearts of its people!

Our goal is to inspire you with a little bit of extra hope this week. Live it out. Pass it on. Thank you for being a part of The Great Recovery!

—The Great Recovery Team
AMEN Dave!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Belief System

Satan's Lie:
Your worth = Your Performance + Other's Opinions
God's Truth:
Your worth = What God Says About You

Satan's Lie:
Those who fail are unworthy of love & deserve to be blamed & condemned (Fear of punishmnet; propensity to punish others)
God's Truth:
Propitiation (1 John 4:9-10) I am deeply loved by God
Satan's Lie:
I must meet certain standards to feel good about myself. If I don't … (Fear of failure)
God's Truth:
Justification ( Rom 3.19-25, 2 Cor 5.21) I am completely forgiven & fully pleasing to God
Satan's Lie:
I must be approved (accepted) by certain others to feel good about myself. If I'm not approved…(Fear of rejection
God's Truth:
Reconciliaton (Col 1:19-22) I am totally accepted by God
Satan's Lie:
I am what I am; I cannot change; I am hopeless (Shame)
God's Truth:
Regeneration ( 2Cor 5:17) I am absoluety complete in Christ

This was taken from the book: Search for Significance by Robert S McGee. Great Book!!! I recomend it:) Remember - Satin is here to shut us down... God tells us that He created us & we are loved by Him... deeply loved by Him!! Take these truths to heart:)

I am going to share this at Bible Study tonight - thought I'd share with you 1st:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Will this Glorify God?

Today - I was reading Jeremiah 2 & reflecting on our sermon from yesterday.
vs 5: This is what the LORD says: What wrong did your ancestors find in me that made them wander so far? They pursued what was worthless and became worthless.
vs 11: Has a nation switched gods, though they aren’t really gods at all? Yet my people have exchanged their glory for what has no value.
vs 22: Even though you scrub yourself with soap or strong powder, the stain of your sin is still before me, declares the LORD God.

So... my thoughts:

Observation: Boy this fits with the sermon yesterday! What you focus on you become – Persue worthless – become worthless. Exchanged the glory for something of NO value. I cannot SAVE/ CLEAN- purify myself- my stain of sin is still before God – only Jesus can cleans me
Application: Will this bring GLORY to God? My question for the week! Check my focus- be sure I am heading in the right direction. The stain of my sin is always there – Jesus blood is the only thing that will cover it! Reminds me of a song:
It’s called Christmas!

Well I went to the coffee shop to get myself a mocha,
The lady at the counter said "Happy holidays"; (Exchanging God’s Glory for my own!)
I said, "Thanks lady, I am pretty happy,
But there’s only one holiday that makes me feel that way."

It’s called Christmas, what more can I say?
It’s about the birth of Christ
and you can’t take that away. (AMEN!)
You can call it something else,
but that’s not what it will be.
It’s called Christmas with a capital "C."

God's got a law and we pretty much destroyed it.
We’re gonna get judged, there’s no way to avoid it. (the stain of your sin is still before me)
But Jesus came down to take the punishment for me. (Jesus blood is the only thing that will cover)
He did it for you too, so maybe you can see . . .

Why It’s called Christmas, what more can I say?
It’s about the birth of Christ
and you can’t take that away.
You can call it something else, (Exchanging God’s Glory for my own!)
but that’s not what it will be.
It’s called Christmas with a capital "C." (Jesus blood is the only thing that will cleanse me)

It’s called Christmas!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Have you joined the Great Recovery yet???

I am lovin' the things Dave Ramsey is sayin':

What's Your Political Position?

Election season is upon us, and with it comes a steady stream of promises for solutions and hope. Each party confidently assures us, "I can help you!" at every turn. Conflicting messages and even mudslinging abound.

Giving weight to this type of hype is unhealthy for anyone interested in true recovery. No matter what candidates and what party you support, now is the time for us to stand up with truths like these:

1. Our hope comes from God, not the government! It's great to support candidates who uphold our values, but we must remember not to give them too much power, even in our minds. Hope is not of this world, and God is still on his throne. Like Dave says, "No one can fill the role of savior except the guy with nail-scarred hands."

2. God has the ultimate plan: We all see the world through a unique set of filters, including political ones. Be as aware as you can of how those filters shape your own life and perspective. Choosing to look through a biblical filter helps us to keep the main thing the main thing. Think about it: How much will having a new president affect your day-to-day life?

3. We are the economy: Every candidate promises to have a plan to fix things. If we put our trust in them instead of God, it's easy to become apathetic and think we don't need to do anything. Yet, if we do nothing, any candidate will fail—because we are the economy! This country was founded on the principle of personal responsibility. If we, as a nation, fix our personal finances by applying God's principles to them, the nation will recover!

As part of The Great Recovery, we will not look to the government to solve our problems! Thanks for all you're doing to be a part of the solution.

—The Great Recovery Team

So... have you joined the GREAT RECOVERY yet???
click here for the link